Western and Eastern culture are subtely different.
People in the western world are concerned about where they are headed.
People in the Eastern world are concerned about where they are beheaded.
every word this man preaches is official muslim doctrine.. fear of hellfire is central to the life of every muslim.
it is axiomatic that every non-muslim, all kaffir like you and i will spend eternity in hell.. just like roman catholicism and evangelical christianity it is a cult of fear and of death.
unlike christian writers mo was not coy about describing the details of hellfire.. i have just finished reading two autobiographies by ayaan hirsi ali who is a muslim "apostate" and lives under a death threat.
Western and Eastern culture are subtely different.
People in the western world are concerned about where they are headed.
People in the Eastern world are concerned about where they are beheaded.
i have all my family in the cult and was brought up in it myself.
although mentally i'm out if i leave i loose all my family and that would break my heart.
i've somehow got to fly under the radar and not be detected.
Wear a burqa.
let's say he began ruling in 1914.. where is that rulership?.
i'm hoping this line of thought gets someone thinking.. .
It's hard to say where Jesus is - he's difficult to nail down.
according to the letter (link below) out of 705 kingdom halls in spain, 295 are being disposed of.. if someone can translate german/spanish, it would throw some light on the specifics.. http://www.bruderinfo-aktuell.de/index.php/brief-zum-koenigreichssaalbauprogramm-in-spanien/#more-948.
Why is the Watchtower Society making long term plans to expand real estate so close to the end of this wicked, materialistic system? Back in 1974 members were commended for selling their homes and becoming Pioneers.
Surely, with the end so close renting would be the best option. All the many years of toiling to build a property empire, is time that could be spent saving lives. Also with the Great Tribulation almost upon us, and the persecution that will bring, owning Kingdom Halls will make it impossible to 'go underground' unless they abandon the halls. Surely, with the end so close renting would be the best option.
The hypocrisy of the Watchtower Society's position is not beyond belief - it is typical.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
With regards to evolution and the belief in all kinds of invisible spirits, some Christians accept that humans have descended from apes but tell me only humans have souls, apes do not.
The original objection to Darwin’s findings from the established church was that if humans evolved from apes, then they cannot have a soul. They accused him of heresy.
I have put the following question to a number of Christians that believe in evolution but have never received an answer: If humans have a soul, and apes do not, at what point in evolution did God start adding souls?
i took up cycing a couple of months ago just to get fitter and lose a bit of excess weight.. i bought a second-hand hybrid bike (weighs only slightly less than a truck) and fitted road tyres.
four or five times a week i will go for a ride after work for an hour or so.
i am fortunate enough to live in rural north england surrounded by limitless quiet roads.
Some impressive photos and cycling times Cofty. You will be surprised to learn that I am not really a gladiator. I am a cyclist but mostly only to get into town and back. I live in Worthing on the south coast, West Sussex.
There are a lot of cyclist here as it is flat and easy to cycle around. Most own cars as well. We wear a rucksack for shopping. My bike is a very standard type. To walk takes 30 minutes; on the bike 6. Yes, like my post, I really am that boring.
a transcendant being resides as a glob of cellular matter in a woman's body for nine months stitching together a human without the dna of a male human being.. the being is squeezed out of the vaginal canal of his host/mother and has to poop and piss on himself for a couple of years.
what is wrong with this picture?.
the consciousness of the fetus would be what, then?.
Adam was an amoeba; a real living creature.
Well show me, explain, prove and define such a monster ever existed.
Maybe we have better things to do with our time.
i've been pondering......with this new "push" to direct individuals to thw jw.org website, even when the dubs are out preaching...what do you think the future will be for the preaching work?.
some time ago i read that the mormons have implemented a live chat feature that allows you to speak with their missionaries....i doubt the borg would do this, but i think they have something up their sleeves.. peace.
kool jo.
Outlaw says, "The WBT$ doesn`t Understand the Internet..
People will Log On to more than just JW.ORG.."
We seem to be overlooking the FACT that Jehovah's spirit will guide those with the right heart condition to HIS official website.
This will be confirmed when we see pigs fly.
it took the better part of 15 years but i believe we have finally arrived at that point where there is now a critical mass of former witnesses.. thousands of exjws come together on forums like this one and discuss findings, ideas and research.
there have been documentaries and even a movie made about life in the jehovah's witnesses.. ex jw websites, online forums, and discussion boards that set the wheels in motion in the early to late 90s have matured into powerful tools of social change within the organization.. the lies and false doctines taught by the watchtower bible & tract society are plainly accessible with just a cursory google search.. active elders leak boe letters, often weeks before they hit the notice board in a kingdom hall.. social media has allowed exjws to connect with those still in as well as those who have left.. the society have no game plan because information is power and they have lost the information war.
all they can do is cry wolf and warn the rank and file not to listen to apostates.. i don't know what future the society will face in the next ten years, but changing world events, social trends, and reactionary change from headquarters based on their own faulty biblical chronology has got them cornered like a raging animal.. it doesn't look good..
Most concerning for the Watchtower Society, is the high number of youths, either leaving or refusing to commit and get baptized. There are many reasons for their reluctance. Many progressive Christian churches now have a big emphasis on catering for children and youths. They are encouraged to join in at a level appropriate to their age. Youth groups, separate study classes, and extra activities are arranged and encouraged. The Society's has always had a policy of expecting children to sit still throughout meetings and pay attention to the adult programme. It is been seen as a test of parents ability to exact obedience from their children. The one size fits all meetings have always been boring for children but today’s children have shorter attention spans than they previous generations. They have been brought up with color television and computer games that offer quick action and excitement. Entertainment on demand is a normal part of life. By the time children become teenagers they expect the meetings to be boring and don’t want to attend.
Unlike children of years ago, they cannot be forced to comply. Giving a youth a thrashing in the washroom is no longer an option. The rebellion against parental authority that started in the roaring 60’s, has now become an accepted part of teenage behavior. Today’s youths have access to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the worldwide web. They can interact with people their own age and swap their experiences. Youths can now look at the whole Watchtower Society scene and read up on its failed prophecies. They are, in many cases, better informed than yesterday's youth.
Teenagers talk to each other, so they are aware that others are leaving school and pursuing further education. It is no longer such a big deal for a teenager to just say that they are not ready for baptism and will be going to college. Once away from the influence of the Watchtower Society, they rarely return to the fold. A growing number of teenagers, brought up by Witness parents, do not get baptized or go from door-to-door. The congregation simply views them as visitors who sometimes attend with their parents. At meetings they mix with other teenagers, sharing ideas and views. If they choose to date, there is little the elders can do, except have a word with the parents.
As children get older they face many temptations. The days when young people only stole a kiss in the rear seats of the local cinema, before leaping into a life long commitment of marriage, are long gone. This is a world full of attractive young people, who take it for granted they will have a number of sexual partners before settling down and raising a family; marriage is optional. To become a dedicated, baptized Jehovah's Witness, a young person today has to resist all such temptation.
There have always been sons and daughters of members who realized they were homosexual/gay. Their only option has been to suppress their sexuality and perhaps devote their lives to the Pioneer service, in the hope that they will be made ‘normal’ in ’the new world.’ They now live in at a time when western society accepts the right of people to be open about their sexuality. If these young people cannot find acceptance within the Watchtower Society, they now have the option of leaving and finding acceptance in society at large.
Young people are still encouraged to reject the opportunity of college and university. Reality is a stubborn intruder, and as unskilled work becomes harder to obtain, a young person who expects to pay their own way through life has to consider the high rate of unemployment. Finding meaningful employment is becoming more challenging, as the world continues to develop and become increasingly dependent on technology. The Society blame distractions, such as further education, and an active sex life, on Satan the devil and the snares he puts in the way of young people.
Much of the membership is well along in years. In order for the Society to thrive it must attract young people to join or retain the member’s children. With such a large turnover of adults and the exodus of young people, the momentum that the Society has enjoyed for so many years is slowing. Young people are able to use the worldwide-web and read the experiences of many others who now regret following the Society's education policy. The Watchtower Society's track record is there for all to see. Young people are able to study their history changing teachings. They read of the failed interpretations of prophecies and flip-flopping policies. They can decide for themselves whether the guidance this organization offers can be trusted.
Could it just be that the Watchtower Society is out of touch with reality? The elderly people that have been the backbone of most congregations for many decades are passing away. Unless the Watchtower Society addresses the changes that are taking place, the exodus of young people will continue. In such a climate many are asking the question - Can Jehovah's Witnesses SURVIVE?
Taken from: Can Jehovah's Witnesses SURVIVE? by Trevor Willis
it's been a few years since the organization ended the book study arrangement in private homes.. gone was the last opportunity to have tea and biscuits and a natter with the friends afterwards.. do you think people regret losing the book study?
for some, it may have been the only time they were able to get some "associaton".
Despite placing such much importance on attending all meetings for more than a hundred years, the length of meetings has recently been halved. Presumable the membership can now survive on half the spiritual food that was deemed essential before. In addition the group study meeting has also been axed. For most of the Society’s existence an hour long, weekly group study took place in homes of approved members. These group meetings were said to be in preparation for a time of persecution against Jehovah's Witnesses during the coming Great Tribulation. If Kingdom Hall’s were shut down by the authorities, under the direction of Satan, the member were to become an underground movement and meet only in these small secret groups.
The official reason given for canceling these study groups is that the change allows the membership more free time; also petrol/gasoline is saved. The introduction by town councils of Special Use Permits for homes being used as places of worship is a contributing factor. The new requirement for accident liability insurance in private homes used for worship may also have been a factor. The practice of reading a Bible based text before field ministry has also been stopped, as it could fall foul of these requirements.
It has been suggested that the society has stopped the group study arrangement in order to centralize control and prevent these smaller groups from developing ideas of their own. In my experience these small groups were less formal than the Kingdom Hall meetings in both style and dress code. Often tea and coffee would be served afterwards, allowing informal conversation to develop where members could share their own ideas with each other and talk more intimately than in a Kingdom Hall. Members of each group met at a home close to their own. The small, intimate local setting allowed for a more liberal discussion than the main meetings. Strong bonds were formed in this more social environment. Each group had its own flavor, depending on the personality and personal views of the elder taking the group.
In a congregation that I was part of, I recall members attending a more popular group of their own choice instead of the group they had been assigned to. One unpopular elder who held a group at home, found himself with just his wife and children for company. This was a deliberate protest by his group. Strong Arm tactics were used to bully the errant members into returning to their own group. Holding all meetings at the Kingdom Hall with the whole congregation and many elders present, has brought to an end those wandering days and made forming a bond with a particular group more difficult. It has given the elders more control over the congregations. Short of leaving their religion, the only way members can protest at the way a congregation is run, is by upping stakes and moving to a different congregation.
Groups have been a central part of member’s lives for many decades. Part of the purpose of meeting in small groups was to meet undercover should Witnesses face persecution. The much quoted scripture quoted at the beginning of this chapter urges members to gather together all the more so as they behold the day drawing near. Yet, this previously vital meeting has been cancelled. Many members are wondering why group centers have been abolished when the ‘great tribulation leading to Armageddon’ is believed to be closer than ever.
Taken from: Can Jehovah's Witnesses Survive? Trevor Willis